We would like to thank all the customers who joined us for some fantastic fishing in July . Our friend Henrik from Denmark was back as you can see by some of the stunning photos he took for us .
We are getting many compliments on our gardens . I don't notice the difference as I am here all the time but the customers are saying how it looks like we have been here a long time as our gardens now look very mature and lush.
I think that is a credit to our grounds people and their continued hard work and especially to my sister in law Pom who helps me to communicate with the gardeners and sets a great example for everyone.
We had no new fish arrivals but Dingo had 5 puppies instead . Now the debate begins on who gets which puppy as the staff all have their favorites already.
Michelle is now joining me on my morning walks to check the ponds and tanks . We were of course joined by Teddy .lol :)
We are finding our Mountain Fish park to be very popular and not just for the children ..
For the month we had 64 angler days fished and 347 fish caught for an average again of over 5 fish per angler day .

There were some amazing fish caught again in July including a total of 28 different exotic species caught this month . Our catch report is as follows;- 7 African Walking Catfish to 25lbs,.. 18 Alligator Gar to 70 lbs,.. 12 Albino Pacu to 15 lbs.2 Albino Chao Phraya Catfish to 40 lbs .. 73 Amazon Redtails to 60lbs.. 53 Arapaima to 330lbs '. 36 Asian Redtails to 45lbs ,.. 2 Black Eared Catfish to 20lbs....7 Chao Phraya Catfish to 90lbs, 3 Giant Gourami to 8 lbs..4 Giant Snakehead to 16lbs... 3 Giant Stingray to approximately 1m . 14 Goonch to 23lbs .1 Hovens Carp to 6lbs. 3 Jau Catfish to 25lbs..3 Mekong Catfish to 190lbs.. 12 Pacu to 28lbs ,..2 Piraiba Catfish to 25lbs,.5 Redtail/Tiger Cross Catfish to 20lbs,. 15 Ripsaw/Niger Catfish to 20lbs,. 3 Rohu to 15lbs .2 Striped Catfish to 30lbs..32 Siamese Carp to 85lbs,.. 2 Soldier River Barb to 9lbs..10 Tambaqui to 19lbs,. 7 Vundu Catfish to 20 lbs,..9 Wallagoo Attu to 25 lbs, 7 Wallagoo Leeri to 20lbs .

The fishing was so good this month that even Dave"No Fish"Allen was catching.
Dave had a good day and caught 6 fish of 5 different species but the really big ones have still managed to illude him .
Pacu can be quite difficult to hold onto as seen with Dave's Albino.
The Ripsaw are also not easy to hold onto due to the spikes that run along their lateral line . At least they dont have teeth or they would really be a handful.
Darren also visited with Dave and Mark from the Islander Bar and Restaurant in Rawai. He had a busy day and caught 6 Amazon Redtails, 1 Alligator and 1 Vundu Catfish
It was the first EFT visit for Mark who started what would end up to be an epic day ,with a rare Goonch Catfish
Next up for Mark was a good sized Alligator, although not one of our monsters
The exotic species continued with a Ripsaw Catfish .
More rare and exotic catfish with a Wallagoo Attu . This species along with their darker coloured cousin the Wallagoo Leeri are coming out quite regularly on all bait presentations.
Mark really had to put his back into the next fish .
After 2 hours he was happy to see the end of a sensational battle.
It was all worth it with an awesome Monster Mekong reaching the net
Even Mark's friend Darren wanted to get a pic with this true monster.
Peshraw Agha from Iraq visited with his son from nearby 5 star Inalia Resort . They were busy catching several Redtails and sampling our tasty Arapaima steaks.
Peshraw was really happy to get time out from his busy travel schedule to spend quality time fishing with his son.
Tiaan and his Family visited us from South Africa and had a great day catching 6 fish between them including 4 Amazon Redtails
The next fish put up a really strong fight for this young angler
Even Mom got in on the fishing and photo action and was happy to get in the lake with her prize catch Goonch Catfish .
The big fish of the day was this Arapaima with all the boys getting in for a photo.
Their final fish was another Amazon Redtail caught just before 7 pm finishing off a busy day .
Ken Yates visited us for the first time from his home in Phuket. He started his day with one of our smaller Arapaima
His next fish was a beautifully marked Goonch catfish. This was a new species to add to his list of many species he has caught here in Thailand.
Ken caught several other fish and finished with a second Arapaima a lot bigger than his first .
Mark Keates from Hong Kong was on a short holiday in Phuket and visited us with his wife and daughter . Mark started his day with an Asian Redtail Catfish .
We kept his daughter busy catching lots of Java barbs close to the swim..
Mark was specifically looking for an Arapaima or a new species , so he was delighted to catch one of our specimen Goonch Catfish .
Mark didn't catch an Arapaima but did get a good sized Alligator Gar . We hope to see Mark and his family back here soon as they were very happy with the family friendly facilities and atmosphere here at EFT .
Stephen Squires started his day with an EFT Amazon Redtail
He followed that up with a Redtail/Tiger Crossbreed Catfish
An even more exotic species was next with a real chunk of a Ripsaw Catfish .
Stephen was over the moon with his first Giant Stingray .
Australian John Levonis visited us from Kata Thani Resort in Kata Beach . He brought his sons Denis and George who are both avid young anglers .Denis was the first to catch with one of the biggest Albino Pacu I have seen anywhere .
George was also quick to get in on the Pacu action .
George's next fish was a mint condition Siamese carp .
George was on quite the roll with his next fish being this beautiful Giant Stingray .
The fish of the day was an awesome Arapaima landed by Denis assisted by John ..Its always great to see father and son or in this case sons fishing together and reminds me of fishing with my own dad although we sure weren't fishing for monsters like these.
We get a lot of French customers and Olivier Fencot was one of the happiest we have welcomed yet . He was very happy to be here at EFT and even more so when he quickly landed this lump of a Siamese carp caught on Lum and Poly ball
Another fish which usually comes out on the same rig which it also did for Olivier is the Black Eared catfish . These fish don't get very big with the world record standing at only 11kg.
Olivier had a smile from ear to ear when he landed his first Arapaima. Little did he know he would catch a bigger fish later
The next fish was an Amazon Redtail which was another personal best .
You couldnt have met a happier man . That is of course until he hooked into this 300lb + beast of an Ari..
It's always nice to see the customers thanking our guides for their hard work ..Our guides really care about our customer's day and are always happy if asked for a team photo .
Matthias Then returned with good friends Reiner and Bernhart .All 3 were in search of Arapaima . Here is Matthias with his trophy photo.
Reiner and Bernhart also got an Arapaima each but somehow we only have one fish photo .
Dirk from Germany visited us for the first time with his wife and son and had a great day catching 9 fish of 6 different species including Stingray, Arapaimas , Siamese Carp Tambaqui and Vundu Catfish . Unfortunately they didn't send us any photos and we only manged to get a few our selves .This was the smaller of the 2 Arapaima they landed .
Dirk was most impressed with our Siamese Carp and couldn't believe they can fight better than our Amazon Redtails .He said he cant wait to come back and chase one of our 110lb monsters .
Brad Bennett from Australia joined us with his 2 boys and good friend Deran and his son .Brad's first fish was a Wallagoo Attu and more than worthy of a family pic .
His next fish was an Albino Pacu which was caught on pellet as many of them are .
Brad also managed a super fat Thai Alligator gar taken on a chicken bait .
When the biggest fish of the day was landed everyone was quick to get in for a photo .
Deran also caught a second Arapaima which gave a great fight for its size , but was smaller than the first one.
Gerrard who was also from Australia joined us and like many other Aussie dads this month brought his sons Connor and Tom . It didn't take long to catch their first Arapaima
Connor was next to catch landing a specimen Wallagoo leeri .
Family Arapaima photos are always great and i am sure these 2 will remember this for some time to come ..
Terri Chong and Family from Hong Kong were staying at our 5 star recommended resort Aleenta resort and Spa. They started their fishing day with a Wallagoo Attu
They also enjoyed their time visiting our fish park and feeding both the Amazon Catfish and of course the Arapaima
The highlight of the day was without question catching this Arapaima fish of a lifetime
They also took time out to try our cooking class receiving both a copy of our chef's secret recipes and their participation certificates.
I almost forgot :) . The French fishing fanatic Sinane also returned for a week of big fish and new species . As usual Sinane wanted to catch everything that swims every minute of every day he was here :). Catching a rare Jau Catfish was a new species Sinane was happy to cross off his wanted list .
He may not look like it from his expression but Sinane was very happy with this Siamese carp
Sinane caught lots of good sized Siamese Carp in the week long visit but none of our monsters yet ..
Another carp species he caught was this super sized Soldier River Barb
Sinane was more relaxed this trip with this being one of his more chilled out photos
This Sawai/Striped catfish was also a new species for Sinane which is hard to believe as most Thai fisheries are actually over stocked with them. We only have a few stocked here at EFT as most people really dont want to spend good money to catch a species which they can catch at a 500 baht per day Thai style pond.
Another predator this trip was this well marked little Goonch
Another rare predator capture for our French friend was this Wallagoo Attu.
Sinane also caught the ultimate predator the Chao Phraya Catfish and a big one at that.
The highlight of this trip for him was catching his first Arapaima on the fly .
Another highlight for both Soufienne and Sinane was when they shared a Siamese father and son moment
It is always a pleasure to have Lars Krog Rasmussen from Ao Nang join us for a day. He has visited us several times before with friends, but this time he brought his nephew for an EFT fishing experience
All the fish caught were new species as it was his first time fishing in Thailand.
The catch report like many had both Amazon and Asian Redtail catfish
Teh most Exotic of the catfish sepcies was this Ripsaw/Niger Catfish.
The highlight of the day was of course an EFT Arapaima .
Yet another great father and son photo was this Dutch double header with Barry and son .The family total for the day was 7 fish but unfortunately we only got this photo...
Thaddaeus Cheng visited us for a day ticket catching Amazon Redtails and a Wallagoo Attu . He was so eager to catch an Arapaima that he came back the next day for another attempt catching more Redtails another Wallagoo and a late in the day Arapaima. Unfortunately he didn't send us any other photos.
Daniel visited us for the first time and caught 4 Amazon Redtails and a Redtail/Tiger Crossbreed .
The highlight for Daniel was this rare Exotic Jau Catfish . This species which reaches over 100lbs in the wild is almost exclusive in Thailand to EFT with only a few fish being caught at all other resorts combined.
Henrik wasn't just taking photos but also catching a few fish of his own like this chunky Amazon Redtail
Here is Henrik with yet another Asian Redtail
No Arapaimas this short trip for Henrik as he finished his catch reports with this Redtail /Tiger Crossbreed Catfish .
Peter Lyons was visiting with Henrik and caught yet another colourful Amazon Redtail
Peter was , as always happy with his catch and gave us the big thumbs up .
If you are looking for more information on our resort and pricing , please take a look at our website at www.exoticfishingthailand.com where we have lots of info and you can book directly using our online booking form .
We also have an "ask mike" section which I hope is helpful to answer many of your questions..
You can book your Exotic fishing experience through the website booking form , or email us direct at exoticfishingthailand@gmail.com .
We can be reached by phone at +[66] 883799377 from overseas or from a Thai number 0883799377 ..We look forward to welcoming you here in fishing paradise soon .
If you want to read what others have to say about their experience here you can also check our many Trip Advisor reviews by searching Exotic Fishing Thailand in Phang Nga Thailand.