November was our first full month to be open for fishing . We have had mostly nice weather this month and the fish are cooperating . We were visited by 44 anglers from around the world . All coming to enjoy our scenic mountain setting while catching some beautiful , healthy fish ..
Many of our visitors have commented that its great to be busy catching lots of interesting species while waiting for a monster ..There were a total of 441 fish of 26 different species caught in November. That's almost exactly 10 fish per happy angler per day...

Our catch list for November is as follows;- 15 Juliens Golden Price Carp to 25lbs, 19 Siamese Carp to 50lbs, 25 Yellow Cheek Carp to 15lbs ,34 Amazon Redtails to 45 lbs, 10 Asian Redtails to 25lbs, 18 Alligator Gar to 25 lbs, 46 Arapaima to 340lbs, 5 Chao Phraya Catfish to 40lbs, 8 Chinese Black Carp to 15 lbs, 12 Hovens Carp to 5lbs, 56 Redtail Tiger Shovelnose Cross Catfish to 12lbs, 16 Rohu to 13lbs, 4 Spotted Featherbacks to 7 lbs, 15 Ripsaw/Niger Catfish to 18lbs, 6 Tigershovelnose Catfish to 14lbs, 41 Piraiba Catfish to 15lbs, 14 Wallagoo Attu to 15 lbs, 22 Tambiqui to 10lbs, 23 Pacu to 18lbs , 39 Albino Pacu to 10 lbs.2 Mrigal to 8lbs . 1 Black Shark Carp to 10lb. 1 Marble Catfish to 6lbs, 4 Barramundi to 18 lbs. 3 Vundu Catfish to 15lbs, 2 Giant Gourami to 7lbs

The Arapaimas are nearly always the number one target species of our guests. There were 2 more Arapaimas caught in November than the total number of guests. Not everyone caught though as some lucky anglers caught 3 on the same day ..
Andrew Harman visited us for the first time . He worked hard to try to catch our biggest Arapaima and huge Wallagoo Lieri. He didn't get either of his targets this trip , but was happy with some new species and other very nice fish during his stay ..I wont say too much about his visit as Andy had mentioned he might be writing about us in a future issue of Anglers mail.
We usually catch more of the Arapaimas during the last 2 hours of fishing but they do come out quite often in the middle of the day . You just never know when to expect one , so best to be alert at all times
We get a lot of day ticket anglers who are thrilled when they can just fish for one day and catch a fish or their dreams.
Martin from Denmark did very well on our Arapaimas catching some great fish .
He impressed everyone with over 20 fish in one day , including 3 nice Barramundi in the same afternoon.
When not chasing our Arapaimas a lot of people are coming to target our Yellow Cheeked Carp which have been feeding like crazy again this month .
A tip for catching the Yellow Cheeked Carp is to simply keep an eye out for them swimming past your swim as they stalk Tilapia in very shallow water .. Our water is quite clear so you can see them coming from 10 to 15 meters away .. If you throw some chopped batu ahead of them as they approach , they will often start feeding in your swim . Then its just a matter of a little finesse before you have a great photo with one of these stunning fish ,like this one Andy Cartwright is holding.
Andy visited us for the first time having caught 40 different species in many trips to Thailand at other venues. He managed to increase that number to 45 species in just 3 days fishing here at EFT.. As many of you species hunters know that is very difficult to do and he was obviously very happy with the results .. He managed over 60 fish in just 3 days of fishing . One of his targets was the Vundu Catfish native to Africa.
He was also thrilled with this beautiful Chinese Black Carp as we are currently the only venue with fish of this size.
Andy wasn't the only person catching these snail eating beauties.
Even though they are primarily snail eaters in the wild ,at EFT we catch them on traditional Thai Carp methods using Lam and poly balls.
Our Siamese Carp numbers were going up slowly in November ,but as i write this i can tell you that they went through the roof in December ..
Mark Hoye of Fish East Asia was visiting to review our resort this month. He landed over 10 fish of 6 species ,but no monsters . He did catch another one of our many nice Carp species though ,with this nice Mrigal.
We have so many beautiful looking fish that frankly it is difficult to keep describing them all without running out of adjectives. One of my favorites though is definitely the Tiger Shovelnose Catfish .
The Wallagoo Attu is not the most colourful fish but definitely a prized catch..
We haven't had any of our big Alligator Gar out yet but these toothy predators always seem to be on the feed.
The Rohu were also on the feed this month with this being one of the better fish caught.
Some of our anglers dont like to get in the water for photos but our guides are happy to hold up beautiful fish like this Black Shark Carp for a you.
I am always excited when a species like this Marble Catfish is caught for the first time and always available to step in for a photo:)
We also had out first Giant Gourami visit the net this month with 3 fish being caught ...
No newsletter would be complete without a few photos of some nice Amazon Redtails
They are such a colourful fish and always put up a strong fight .
We have decided not to stock too many redtails as we want our guests to catch a nice mix of exotic species ..
There were also some good sized Asian Redtails caught this month . My good friend Paul sporting his MOvember "MO" caught this nice fish along with some other great catches which you can read about in another blog post named ARA PAUL MA :).
I don't know how Ross found the time or energy but he managed a quick fish one evening and landed this awesome looking Ripsaw.. Nice job ..
We have a family special here at Exotic Fishing Thailand where a father and son or mother and daughter in this case can fish 4 rods in one swim for the price of 7000 baht . Just another way we keep it family friendly here at EFT .
We will have some more news in our December newsletter on the progress of our Exotic Fishing Thailand Mountain Fish Park which will be another great attraction for families . Entry to the fish park is complimentary with purchase of your fishing ticket .
We would like to thank all customers who visited us this month. We appreciate your business. If you feel there is anything we can do to improve your fishing experience here at EFT then please let us know at
As other venues still continue to use our registered corporate name in their promotional material,please REMEMBER to choose the ORIGINAL Exotic Fishing Thailand when you visit Thailand for the Exotic Fishing , Thailand has to offer.
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