Come and catch Gold here at Exotic Fishing Thailand

Come and catch Gold here at Exotic Fishing Thailand
Come and catch Gold here at Exotic Fishing Thailand

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


We are yet again increasing our stocks of Exotic species so that you the customer have a better chance to catch any one of our special fish . We are constantly in communication with our fish suppliers and I personally look for new fish at every opportunity .

The Goonch is at the top of many peoples target list so we buy every fish that is available to us and are also trying to grow some smaller fish .

We are not 100% sure how the Goonch will ultimately adapt to a lake environment but they are doing well so far and anglers are catching them each month.

There are a lot of Giant Snakehead available right now so we bought the biggest we could find . All the fish we bought were between 8 and 11 kilos ...

Giant Snakehead can be territorial to say the least so lets see how they survive . I am very happy so far that we dont lose many fish due to compatibility issues between species . This is always a worry when there are so many different fish and especially a lot of predators together in one body of water ..

We try to keep a healthy population of smaller feeder fish to distract the more aggressive fish from fighting or just eating each other .. Keeping them all well fed is also a good idea :).

We recently bought some more Chinese Black Carp so that we now have one of the highest stocking levels of these fish in Thailand.

Our Chinese Black Carp are growing well but still have a long way to go to reach their potential size which is rumored to be over 100kg.

We have increased our Blue Mahseer numbers and they are also getting caught each month.

We haven't purchased many but we felt every big fish lake must have at least a few of the potentially monstrous Wels catfish .

The Albino Wels is also a new addition and also has tremendous growth potential.

I recently came across some Redtail, Marble catfish cross breeds and couldn't resist to buy some as they are just such a pretty fish ..I am interested to see how quickly they grow and how big they will get .

We are always getting interesting questions from our customers . For example ;- Why have Wels if I can catch them in Italy and Spain ? OR ..Why have Vundu and Tiger Fish when I can catch them in Africa ?? Why have Goonch and Mahseer when India is not far away ? The answer is very simple and one of the reasons we developed EFT.

We have customers visit us from all over the world and different fish are special to different anglers based on what species are available in their home country. We also appreciate that not every angler has the disposable income to travel all over the world to catch Exotic species in their natural environment

Exotic Fishing Thailand gives every angler the opportunity to fish for 60 different species from around the world in one lake while surrounded by absolutely breathtaking mountain views and lush gardens. EFT is one of the only places in the world where you can enjoy this awesome experience , so make sure to consider us for your next fishing holiday.

All our exotic species can be viewed on our new website at where you will find all the information you need about our resort and how to book with us ..We still have openings for most months in 2014 but some are booking up quickly .

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